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Pest Protection Plan

Quarterly pest prevention at a discounted rate

If bugs come back so do we, at no additional cost

Includes ants, spiders, roaches, wasps, & more

Pests never give up, neither do we

Building and maintaining a pest control barrier for your home requires treatments during all four seasons. This is the most effective and cost efficient way to protect your home. Pests are active year round and if not kept in check, they can become a major issue.

Yearly Pest Protection will focus on establishing and reinforcing a pest barrier that will keep your family safe from unwanted visitors all year. So, choose to spend your time doing the things you enjoy, and leave it to Certified Pest Control to keep the pests away.

Benefits of the Yearly Protection Plan

1. Our Pest Control is done quarterly; 4 times a yer. We use the best products money can buy, meaning we have no need to do a monthly pest control in most cases

2. Although we only schedule regular treatments every 3 months, if you have any issues with any pests covered between your quarterly service, we will come back totally free of charge to take care of whatever the issue is.

3. Winter comes and insects are looking for a warm place with food and water to survive the cold months. They enter your home and continue to feed grow and multiply. Winter treatments continues to eliminate pest populations that are hiding inside your home and prevent a Spring pest explosion.

4. Spring brings warmer temperatures that awaken insects, and causing them to emerge from their safe Winter harborage in your home. This is when they begin reproducing rapidly and can become a major issue without a winter service. Our Spring treatment continues to provide a protective barrier around your home for many common pests such as ants that are so prevalent in our area.

5. Summer arrives and pests are at peak activity level. Renewing our protective barrier will help to control this invasion of ants, wasps, beetles, spiders and many more insects that thrive in middle Tennessee.

6. Fall turns the corner with a drop in temperatures, which changes pest activity to winter survival. Your Fall treatment will focus on reinforcing the barrier that we have established, as pests are targeting your home to call their own. This will discourage lady beetles, spiders and Brown Recluse from entering your home to set up camp for winter.

We treat these bugs effectively and efficiently


insects oriental cockroach


insects centipede



insects paper wasp



insects earwig


insects jamaican cricket


insects ladybug



Why Choose Certified Pest Control?

Our focus is on the needs and quality of your family life, to keep you protected and pest free, and to provide the best pest control in Nashville, while still providing that small family business charm.

  • We are fully licensed, bonded and insured
  • Our highly qualified staff is constantly being taught and trained about the newest, and safest methods to keep your home pest free
  • We follow all rules and regulations to make sure our treatments are safe for you, your family, and your pets
  • We guarantee our work. If pests return between quarterly services, just call and we will be back at no cost